Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Late shift today; a good day- Mike

We were assigned the late shift today, so we just spent the day doing odds and ends around the trailer when Terrill and Kathryn Christensen stopped by on their way to see a house they had purchased in LaVerkin. It was good to see them and catch up on the news from home.

On the late shift, we met a retired couple from Switzerland who were vacationing here. They spoke broken English, but we could communicate quite well. As we visited the Girls room in the fort, they said that they had noticed that LDS girls were "very clean and well bred". It was a fun tour and at the end they requested to have the missionaries stop by their home in Switzerland and bring a Book of Mormon.

Just as we were getting ready to close for the night, a young man from Chicago stopped in and asked for a tour. He told me he had a wife and two small children. He had only heard a little about the church, Brigham Young, Joseph Smith, the Salt Lake Temple etc. As we took a flashlight tour, I taught him some about the restoration, temple work, families etc. At the end, he filled out a referral form requesting the missionaries in Chicago bring more information about the church, The Book of Mormon, and a video on the restoration.

Afterword as I thought about it, why would a young man from Chicago, traveling alone, in a hurry to meet friends in St. George decide to stop in the middle of nowhere to go on a tour of Cove Fort in the dark? My conclusion was that the spirit led him here.

Today was a good day.

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