Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dance last night and busy day today - Mike

Last night we had get-together for all personal at Cove Fort to welcome a new couple. We had pizza and dancing....western style of course, and Kirk Penney, a guy I grew up with in Kanosh, came and sang all of the dance songs.....He is exceptionally good. I didn't know he had a singing talent. It was good to visit with him and catch up on what's going on in Kanosh.....past and present.
We had another busy day at the fort; in fact we set a new record for visitors for this year so far this year; 819. We were kept running all day. The last tour of the evening was mine again. Just before dark, a father, mother and a son of about 25 years of age from Oregon, stopped and wanted a tour. They had heard very little about the church. I had to use the flash light again since the rooms were so dark. When I had met them at their automobile the mother was smoking and I thought “Oh well, God loves us all”, and I determined to teach them the gospel as part of the tour. As we ended the tour, while the father and son were up on the wall, I visited with the mother about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. I gave her the Joseph Smith story pamphlet, and other info about genealogy and the family. I then gave her a nonmember referral card and she had her son fill it out since she had forgotten her glasses. They wanted the Missionaries to bring a Book of Mormon, and teach them more about the church and two videos. The spirit was strong and they all felt it. It was a great day.

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