June 25th-29th, 2010 (Mike)
We traveled to Nephi and watched the Hand Cart pageant. We met Robert Moss there selling books he has written. He was one of my favorite college professors. He gave us a free autographed copy of one of his books and tapes. It was good to see him. He even recognized and remembered me after all of these years.
A man had an Ox there that he had trained 12 years ago, and had never seen since. The Ox remembered him and what he had learned 12 years ago. It was fun to watch the giant animal which was at least six feet tall at the shoulder, go through his paces. The pageant was excellent.
The next night, we were assigned to man a missionary booth at The Manti Pageant. We had dinner there and started working at the booth. Our job was to collect referrals from the full time missionaries and cast members who were working the crowd, as well as get referrals and answer questions ourselves. We got over eight hundred referrals that night from seventeen thousand people. It was a record number of referrals. It was a lot of fun working with the young people of the cast and the missionaries there. We spent the night at a bed and breakfast, and went across the street the next morning and had breakfast at Bro. and sis. Barton’s (the pageant chairman), with all of the missionaries who had been working at the pageant with us.
Yesterday, I spent time taking pictures of Ben Pratt cutting hay with his team pulling an old hay mower. Here at Cove Fort. It was good to see the work done the old way. I spent part of the day at the black smith shop giving tours there. One teen age boy was so excited about what he had learned, he didn’t want to leave. Following our shift, we went to St. George to get some Grocery items and other shopping. We went to Red Lobster for dinner and got home late, but that‘s ok we have P day today.
Tonight we had a mission reunion for just last years and this years missionaries that have served with the Baldwins. Tomorrow there will be a get-together of all of the missionaries that have served here. We had a great time with good food and great intertainment. It seems funny to be having so much fun with so many people twenty miles from nowhere.