Monday, April 14, 2014


Tonight we just got back from a fireside with Elder Clifford T. Herbertson of the 3rd Quorum of the 70.  What a wonderful man, and an inspiration. His talk was on a "Perfect Brightness of Hope"  I loved his thoughts about how Hope is what keeps us going.  Hope is the peace and happiness we strive for, to live with Christ again.  Hope helps us to know we can be with our family again.  Hope also helps us overcome the challenges in life we have.  He encouraged us to leave a legacy of Hope for our families.  To remember the Atonement is there for us all no matter what our circumstances.  With Faith , Hope and Charity we can achieve anything. With Hope and Christ as our master, He can touch our lives and others around us.
After the Fireside I hadn't met our Mission Presidents Wife so we made our way over to her.  While we were visiting, the dignitaries from England that were there came by.  I was able to greet and shake hands with the Mayor of Crawley, who was all decked out in his official metal of authority and office and his wife the Mayorius. I also met a Lord and Lady of the county.  There was also a member of Parliament in attendance at the meeting.  One of the Elders visited with him and he gave him his e-mail to arrange a visit for the Senior Missionaries to go on a tour of Parliament in the House of Lords and Commons in Westminster Abbey. The Mayors wife apologized for not shaking my hand right away and then engaged me in a very interesting conversation about their "football" (soccer) leagues in England -That I should go watch the Women's league and perhaps root for Liverpool.  I told her about my granddaughters that played soccer and she was pleased that I had asked about their sport.  I can now say that I have hob nobbed with some royalty in England. What a fun night :)

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