Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Twitchell Canyon Fire (Mike)

There is a controlled burn supposedly being watched over by the Forest Service. It has been going on all summer. They were trying to burn out insect killed trees and underbrush. The wind came up yesterday and things got out of control. We are hoping the wind doesn't change and send it our way. They now have many men and pieces of equipment including helicopters, trying to contain it before the wind returns this week end. They had to close I-70 yesterday, and overnight becaust of poor visibility.

We took an excursion out west of Kanosh to see the Warm Springs, and I was surprised to see how things have developed since I was a boy swimming out there fifty plus years ago. We used to ride horses there for a nice swim in the old days, and later in cars. The water is nice and warm in the main spring, and they have even added a diving platform. The other spring has been cleaned up and is good for soaking the joints in good hot water......even though all we can soak now are our feet , these guys in the picture are enjoying it.

Tours at the fort are still going great. Ten more couples are heading home this week end. That will leave us a bit short handed for a while until the tourist season drops of for the winter. I still have my string of fifteen tours in a row that produced a referral card.....that's unheard of, I don't suppose the string will last much longer.


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