Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Bryce Canyon (Mike)
Yesterday, we took Elder and Sister Hall, from Buckeye AZ; formally from the Twin Falls area, with us to Bryce Canyon. It was a nice day; partly cloudy, with a few thunder showers around. We arrived at Bryce Canyon in time for lunch at Ruby's Inn, then went on up to the canyon. It had been raining, so the colorful rocks were at their best. We got in some good photography with the rocks and clouds in the background. We then enjoyed the drive back to Cedar City over Cedar Mountain. While stopping at the Zion Narrows overlook, Monty Holt and his wife pulled up. They are good friends from the Temple View RV Park in St. George. It was good to see them. They will be missed this winter. All of the scenery was beautiful and the rain showers seemed to be just ahead of us so we didn’t get rained on. The day was cool and refreshing. We stopped in Cedar City at Wal-Mart for some shopping, then on to Cal Ranch for Western clothing. We got vests and western shirts. We are always asked to dress western style for different activities. It was a good time getting out in nature and getting to know the Halls. They are going to be spending the winter with us here at the fort, and are good old country folk. He spent some time on the rodeo circuit so we have many similar experiences of growing up. They are a few years older than us…. but who isn’t these days? It will be good having them around this winter and next summer. We arrived home to find that it had rained again here at the fort, which is good.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Pioneer Day (Mike)
Pioneer day was eventful and fun. We started off by riding in the Kanosh Pioneer Day Parade. Sixteen Cove Fort missionaries rode in a wagon pulled by Elder Dye’s pickup. We threw candy to the kids and waved to the crowd. It was an impressive parade for a small town. There was a good sized crowd lining both sides of Main Street. We went up one side and down the other. Following the parade some of the missionaries attended the talent show, but we had to return to the fort for the swing shift. My tours turned out well also. A great, great granddaughter of Truman O. Angel, the architect of the Salt Lake Temple as well as the fort was my first tour of the shift. She and her husband didn’t know that he had designed the fort. I pointed out where he had carved his initials in the back of the front gate. When I pointed it out, she stood there and cried; she had no idea. Then they took a picture of the signature. She was so happy, and planned to do some scrapbooking with the signature. It made her day.
My next tour was a non-member from California. She was accompanied by a man whom I assume was a relative. I had informed them that I was going to talk about Mormon beliefs as part of the tour, and shed said that she would like that. As I explained what the Book of Mormon really was, she took interest and said she would like a copy. The man took me aside and told me that he was a member, and that he had been trying to get her to read the Book of Mormon, but she said she wasn’t interested. Now she knew what it was really about, she wanted the missionaries to bring her one and explain about it in more detail, and couldn’t wait to read the info about Joseph Smith I had given her.
Following the shift, we returned to Kanosh for their hamburger dinner and dance. They had a great band, and the burgers were awesome also. We didn’t dance since everyone else just seemed to want to talk and listen. They probably danced later, but we returned to Marv and Stars to visit with them and their family for a while. Pioneer Day was a good full day.
My next tour was a non-member from California. She was accompanied by a man whom I assume was a relative. I had informed them that I was going to talk about Mormon beliefs as part of the tour, and shed said that she would like that. As I explained what the Book of Mormon really was, she took interest and said she would like a copy. The man took me aside and told me that he was a member, and that he had been trying to get her to read the Book of Mormon, but she said she wasn’t interested. Now she knew what it was really about, she wanted the missionaries to bring her one and explain about it in more detail, and couldn’t wait to read the info about Joseph Smith I had given her.
Following the shift, we returned to Kanosh for their hamburger dinner and dance. They had a great band, and the burgers were awesome also. We didn’t dance since everyone else just seemed to want to talk and listen. They probably danced later, but we returned to Marv and Stars to visit with them and their family for a while. Pioneer Day was a good full day.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
More new Responsibilities ???? - Lynda
What a day! I got called into the Directors office today and was asked to be the Secretary for the Cove Fort Mission. I take over in October when the current Secretary goes home. I sure have a lot to learn. I also found out that I am the only one staying that knows how to play the piano. So I guess I will have to practice and maybe even learn how to play the organ. This could be very scary!!! The other day when we went to Richfield I did buy some simple piano and organ pieces for prelude . Maybe with the Lords help I will be able to do what is asked of me. When Pres.Wheeler, told me in my setting apart blessing, that I would be called upon to use my talents, I didn't quite think I would be asked to use my hidden talents. I sometimes wish I could keep them hidden. Oh well, it will make me grow! The gospel sure does allow you to experience many things.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Mission Experiences (Mike)
Cove Fort Missionaries
The last few days have been good. Michelle, Shane, and kids came to spend the night before leaving for home in California. It was good to see them, especially the grandkids. We took them on a fort tour yesterday and had time for a good visit. They left early this morning.
Most tours of the fort have been uneventful, but one guy and his girlfriend from Texas were of particular interest. They were just young….. late twenties I would guess. He was covered with tattoos, and had the usual body piercings….the big black discs in the earlobes etc. I wondered to myself, why a couple like this would want to stop to see Cove Fort. As we got into the tour, they warmed up into some pretty nice folks. They knew very little about the church, so I began to teach them as we went along through the tour. They seemed very interested and at the end I offered them a Book of Mormon and a video. They accepted them as well as requested the Missionaries to come by and teach them more. I have learned, if nothing else not to judge people by the way they look.
In the last few days there have been several others that both Lynda and I have taken on tours that have filled out referrals cards requesting The Book of Mormon and videos, as well as the missionaries…..The gospel net is working well. Many of the other missionaries are having great experiences as well.
Today I was appointed to be a Shift leader/assistant to the Director. This will make me responsible for some extra duties and responsibilities for the remainder of our mission. It will be good for me to have to Streatch again.
We finally had a good rain storm here today. It will be nice to have some cooler weather for a little while.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Special Tours / Barbeque / Line Dancing - Lynda
Are we really ready to answer any question that people may ask about our Church? I found myself in a situation where the people I was taking on a tour was asking me questions that caused me to reach way down in my memory and rely on the Lord to help me answer them. They were asking me questions about the Temple and why only some members can go into the Temple to see weddings. I know I knew the answers, but to really tell someone who doesn't understand about recommends, worthiness, etc. It was very humbling. I think I take my knowledge and testimony for granted sometimes. It is easy to talk to members, as you give tours, because you have the same background and talk the same language. To bear your testimony of Temples, the Prophet Joseph Smith , that we have a living Prophet today, and why I believe so strongly in my faith, and that my religion is a way of life for me, is sometimes a hard thing to put into words. I had to rely on the Holy Ghost to prompt me as to what to say. The only thing I could think of, was how much I loved my Savior and his atoning sacrifice for me. So I simply bore my testimony and hoped it was enough. I could really feel the Spirit with us in those rooms. This couple was from Florida and had some members of the Church in their family. Some of their nephews has even served Missions. I encouraged them to read the Book of Mormon and when they got ready to go I tried to shake their hand but the man said I can't shake your hand I need to give you a hug. So he did and so did his wife. I challenged them one last time to read the Book of Mormon., as they left the man said. I think I will. Mission experiences are the greatest!!!
My other tour was a family from Arizona. They were in a hurry and really didn't want a tour, just a quick bathroom break. Then all of a sudden they headed for the Fort. So I caught up to them and we walked through the Fort then to the out building and about an hour or so later they were still there. The mom said I just love the peaceful feeling here. They gave me a buff card of a non-member friend. They also had to take my picture so they could show they lady I would be calling what I looked like. What a fun tour this was and what a bonus at the end.Tonight we had a date night with the group it was a dinner featuring barbequed chicken, Idaho baked potatoes, salads and cobbler. It was sooo good. The Warburtons entertained us with wonderful music, they are so talented, Then Sister Baldwin taught us how to Line Dance. Boy that was quite a sight. What a fun group of people we are serving with.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
It happened again. (Mike)
It happened again. I had the last tour of the night again, and as has happened so often with me, just before closing, a lone car came into the parking lot. Out stepped a young lady, in a hurry to meet people in Vegas, but something prompted her to stop at Cove Fort. (A young single 30+ year old, in a hurry traveling alone, stopping in the middle of nowhere, nearly dark, to see a fort….. It only makes sense if you factor in a higher power) I took her through the fort and had just finished with the south side and as I was walking with her to the north side, she stopped and said, “I feel so peaceful here, why is that?” I didn’t say much, but continued on into some of the rooms with a picture of The Prophet Joseph, and Hyrum, the temple etc. and explained about why we have temples…she had been to Temple Square earlier this week and had already met some sister missionaries and had filled out a referral card to receive a Book of Mormon and the missionaries. We had a good discussion as I walked her to her car, she was full of questions. She is well on her way to conversion. She had taken some time off from a six figure salary job to go looking for what she felt she was still missing in her life. The spirit led her where she needed to go for help.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Interesting Day (Mike)
Yesterday was interesting. I had one family from California/Israel, who were traveling the west sightseeing. The grandparents and one son and his wife were from California, but most of the grandchildren and their parents were from Israel; making a total of twelve in the group. Most of them spoke English, but all spoke Hebrew. They were very interested in the fort and what I told them of the LDS Church. I told them from the beginning that I was going to teach them LDS beliefs as we took the tour, and they liked that. They had quite a few questions about the Hinckleys as they lived at the fort, and about our LDS beliefs; families, priesthood, temples, etc. At the end, I was able to give them our packet of information about Joseph Smith, the family, LDS websites, etc., but they weren’t interested in the Book of Mormon, especially when I told them that it contained the account of Christ appearing to the people here in the new world, and that it was a second witness for Christ.
Following our shift, we traveled back out to the old mining town of Frisco where my grandmother was born. This time we were able to get closer to the mine, and the main part of the old town. We were able to visit the cemetery, which we had wanted to do. Most of the graves were of children who had died during the influenza outbreak, or had died because of the inadequate diet of the mother/child. We also went to the library and did a little research on the old town and had dinner at a little diner there in Milford. It was a fun outing, with lots of good photo ops.
Following our shift, we traveled back out to the old mining town of Frisco where my grandmother was born. This time we were able to get closer to the mine, and the main part of the old town. We were able to visit the cemetery, which we had wanted to do. Most of the graves were of children who had died during the influenza outbreak, or had died because of the inadequate diet of the mother/child. We also went to the library and did a little research on the old town and had dinner at a little diner there in Milford. It was a fun outing, with lots of good photo ops.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Busy day at Cove Fort (Mike)
What a busy day we had! The surrounding stakes held a regional youth conference at Cove Fort. They watched the movies of Joseph Smith and the fort, and took tours. They had square dance instruction and a barbeque and then held a dance. There were about three to four hundred kids along with another three to four hundred regular visitors that came for tours. At the end of the day, the actual count on visitors was 958, a new record for one day other than Cove Fort days. The missionaries were running to keep up, and right in the middle of it one of the missionaries called to me and introduced me to a lady who had Kanosh connections. I soon learned that she was a cousin that I had never met from California, Monica Cuthbert, who is an M.T. in the Student Health Center at California State University Northridge . She is the daughter of my aunt Eva. (A sister to my grandpa Cummings) She remembered camping at our hunting camp in the mountains above Cove Fort.
It was another good day at the fort.
It was another good day at the fort.
Friday, July 9, 2010
White Cards Two days in a row! - Lynda
Yesterday, July 8th I only had two tours, both from Canada. The first tour was a delightlful family from Winnepeg. The two teenage kids didn't really want to go on a tour but at the last minute decided to come. As we went into each room there is something that talks about the Restoration, or Book of Mormon, or some gospel principle. As we got to the "Best" room where there is a picture of Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum and also a lithograph of the Nauvoo Temple, I bore my testimony of Temple Work, Geneology and of the Prophet Joseph. The dad said that he had been using our Geneology Library to do his geneology. The Spirit was definately there, and that is definately my favorite room. Anyway, as we finished the tour the family went up on the ramparts to look at the rifle ports. The young girl came down and asked me how many languages the Book of Mormon had been translated in. I told her and then asked if she would like a copy. She said "yes I really would:" I was very excited. Then when the parents and brother came down I offered them a video.They also wanted a video and the Missionaries to come. What a great way to start this day. The other couple was very nice but didn't want any more information.
Today I had 4 tours - The first was a fun couple from Las Vegas. She is a principal down there in an Elementary and he is an artist. They were so fun to take on tour. They were just out exploring fun unusual sites in Southern Utah. They also wanted a video. I gave them all the options and they chose "Together Forever." So the Missionaries will contact them also. The other families I had today were a mixed Member -Non Member family that wanted a short 2 1/2 min. tour. They were from Alabama and Utah. The other two tours were members from Delta and a family reunion group from all over the U.S. It is so fun to meet people from all over the U.S., Canada and really the World.
The other exciting thing that happened at the Fort today was when Elder Gammon opened up the Blacksmiths shop there was a young great horned Owl sitting on the Anvil. They were both startled and so the Owl flew up on top of the bellows. When we came on shift Elder C and another Elder went down to get pictures. The owl flew up into the rafters and stayed there all day. It was quite a treat for our visitors today to see an owl so close. This mission is alot like teaching, each day something new and exciting is bound to happ
We have a new bird on our humming bird feeder. Check out the acrobatics!
Another Great Day (Mike)
Yesterday was a rather slow day at the fort. I was in the shift coordinator’s chair for two hours, then in the out buildings for another hour. Therefore I didn’t even get to take a tour out. Visitors were less also for our shift.
Today was a different matter. My first tour was a family from California; a grandmother, her daughter and daughter in law, and three grandchildren. The Grandmother was from Guatemala and didn’t speak English. She had the Aztec facial features. As we went through the tour, I explained about the Prophet Joseph Smith, a prophet in our time and why we have temples. When we got to the Book of Mormon display, I showed them pictures from the Book of Mormon and explained that it was about their ancestors, and that Christ visited them after his resurrection. I explained that they had prophets also who kept a record and that it was translated by the Prophet Joseph Smith. Upon hearing this, each of them wanted the missionaries to bring them a Book of Mormon and teach them more.
Today was a different matter. My first tour was a family from California; a grandmother, her daughter and daughter in law, and three grandchildren. The Grandmother was from Guatemala and didn’t speak English. She had the Aztec facial features. As we went through the tour, I explained about the Prophet Joseph Smith, a prophet in our time and why we have temples. When we got to the Book of Mormon display, I showed them pictures from the Book of Mormon and explained that it was about their ancestors, and that Christ visited them after his resurrection. I explained that they had prophets also who kept a record and that it was translated by the Prophet Joseph Smith. Upon hearing this, each of them wanted the missionaries to bring them a Book of Mormon and teach them more.
Following our shift, we took a trip to Frisco, an old Ghost town west of Milford, where my grandmother Cummings was born. Frisco was a silver mining town of about four thousand people in the late 1870/80’s. It was a rough town, but my great grandfather Fredric Montgomery Bird was there with his family, making money. I read of one account that stated that it wasn’t uncommon to have as many as twelve murders in one night. There is still some mining activity there, but all that is left of the town is a few foundations and fallen buildings, along with old rusting mining equipment. We enjoyed taking pictures of them including the old coke ovens that were used in the smelting of silver, copper, and gold.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Independence Day (Mike)
We had a great Fourth of July celebration yesterday. We had a flag ceremony at the fort, along with singing, poetry, and a patriotic message from our director, Elder Baldwin. We then raised our 37 star flag. Afterwards, we had a sunrise breakfast together under the trees in the picnic area.
Following our shift at the fort yesterday, we traveled to Richfield where we met up with Kevin and Jeanette Rowley , our niece and her husband, at Kevin’s Parents house. We joined them in a barbeque and family fireworks with their family. Then we stayed to see the city of Richfield fireworks. They were really quite impressive. They were launched on the mountainside just above their home. We had an excellent view from their back yard. It was a fun afternoon and evening. Today is our Prep day, so we slept in a little and did the laundry. We are waiting for Jordyn, our granddaughter, to stop by with her other grandparents for a visit and a tour of the fort. It will be good to spend some time with them.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Clear Creek Canyon - (Mike)
Jason Rudd stopped by with his family and I was able to take them on a tour of the fort. He was one of my priests when I was Bishop in Shelley Fourth Ward. I also sent him on his mission. He is now a seminary teacher. I haven’t seen him for several a years.
The Zurker family from our ward in Ammon came through, and it was great to see them again. After they left, we took a couple from Florida on a tour. They were recently married; he was eighty and she in her seventies. She was form Delta, Utah. She was a member and he was Catholic. We took them on a tour and got a white card for the missionaries to bring to them a video. Afterward we had a prairie diamond ceremony for them since they had been married for less than a year.
Following our tours, we met up with some other missionaries including Elder and Sis. Baldwin, and took a bike ride down clear creek canyon. It was mostly downhill for about ten miles. We were flying down the canyon at about forty mph. It was easy riding and a lot of fun. We then went to dinner at Marriesville, near the Big Rock Candy Mountain, to a restaurant called Hoovers. The food was great.
The Zurker family from our ward in Ammon came through, and it was great to see them again. After they left, we took a couple from Florida on a tour. They were recently married; he was eighty and she in her seventies. She was form Delta, Utah. She was a member and he was Catholic. We took them on a tour and got a white card for the missionaries to bring to them a video. Afterward we had a prairie diamond ceremony for them since they had been married for less than a year.
Following our tours, we met up with some other missionaries including Elder and Sis. Baldwin, and took a bike ride down clear creek canyon. It was mostly downhill for about ten miles. We were flying down the canyon at about forty mph. It was easy riding and a lot of fun. We then went to dinner at Marriesville, near the Big Rock Candy Mountain, to a restaurant called Hoovers. The food was great.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Family & Friends Galore - (Lynda)
We hope everyone will have a fun and safe 4th of July. America is truly a blessed land.
Thursday, I had an amazing family from Rancho Cucamunga, California. They were very humble and teachable. When we finished the kids and family didn't want to leave. They gave me a white card and wanted the Missionaries to come to their home. They gave me big hugs and wanted to stay in touch. They made sure I had their e-mail and phone number so I could stay in touch. These are truly Red Letter Days!
The Hollyhocks are in bloom now and Travis Kesler came in and shared his talents with the Missionaries. This is a doll made from one of the first blooms here at the Fort.
The Hollyhocks are in bloom now and Travis Kesler came in and shared his talents with the Missionaries. This is a doll made from one of the first blooms here at the Fort.
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